Česká chodecká štafeta Martínková-Hlaváč se na OH těsně neprobojovala. Skvělý Zajíček vytvořil nejlepší český historický výkon kategorie U23 na 20km - 1:24:10! Morávek se na 20km vytrápil v čase 1:28:32. Výborná Klimentová se nominovala na MS U20 do Limy v obrovském osobním rekordu na 10km - 46:28. Kvalitní výkon v U20 na 10km předvedla i Franklová, taktéž v osobním rekordu - 49:04. A proč na tuto vrcholnou akci neodjel nominovaný trenér Piták, který měl za úkol dovést českou maratonskou štafetu na OH? Škoda, že za sebe neposlal adekvátní náhradu, možná to byl ten pověstný malý kousíček, který k vybojování OH nominace nakonec chyběl......  






Letošní první vrcholnou chodeckou soutěž, mistrovství světa chodeckých týmů, hostila o uplynulém víkendu turecká Antalya.

Turci neponechali nic náhodě a v loňském roce vyrazili na studijní cestu do Poděbrad, kde probíhalo ME chodeckých týmů.

V Turecku se pravidelně koná v lednu/únoru závod bronzové úrovně. Ten se řadu let odehrával na silnici u pláže Konyaaltı. V letošním roce se však přesunul k Expu a v Expu se, bohužel, konal i závod MS. Bohužel je zcela na místě. Výstavu nazvanou Expo pořádali Turci v roce 2016 a od té doby areál, který se nachází mimo město, chátral. A bylo to znát na každém kroku.

Pepa 1Pepa 3V sobotu, den před hlavním závodem, se Turci po vzoru Poděbrad rozhodli uspořádat testovací závod. Je otázkou, co testovali. Prvním zádrhelem se ukázala být již samotná registrace ke startu. Masters atleti a atletky brzy zjistili, že přes registrační formulář TAF se prostě nedá projít a systém je odmítne. Navíc propagace závodu byla nulová a většina zájemců o start to při problémech s registrací jednoduše vzdala. Za ty odolné to vybojovali Češi a po asi 3 týdnech od spuštění registrace byl systém konečně funkční!

V sobotní podvečer se pak masters atleti společně s mládeží (šel se i šampionát Turecka na 3 km žákovských kategorií) postavili na start. Ke štěstí všech na místo jako první dorazili opět Češi a naše mini výprava absolvovala uhádanou a ukřičenou anabázi, po které nakonec i turecká ochranka pochopila oč jde a pořadatelé umožnili závodníkům vyrazit do Svolavatelny. Štastlivci dorazivší po Češích ani netušili, co se odehrávalo o pár minut dříve. I tak někteří účastníci masters závodu označovali organizaci závodu slovy “Afrika”. Ukázalo se že testovací závod bude svérázný. Časomíra ještě nebyla plně funkční a tak se šel závod měřený na ruku na 2km dlouhém, ještě nedokončeném okruhu. Společný start s dětmi byl sice opožděn, ale nakonec se vyrazilo.

V Masters závodě zvítězil s přehledem Polák Lipiec, jeho čas bohužel neznáme, zpracovat výsledky stále ještě pořadatelé nezvládli. Druhé místo pro sebe získal Josef Smola a po zmatcích, kdy účastníkům začali rozdělovat medaile se zpožděním a vítěze zcela propásli, se dočkal i krásné a po tureckém dobrodružství opravdu zasloužené medaile. Původně slibované vyhlášení nakonec proběhlo pouze pro mládež a to jen mikrofonem, podium 12 h před startem závodu ještě neexistovalo. Je až s podivem, co dokázali Turci přes noc dodělat. Závodní trať byla, pohledem diváka, nekonečná. 1km rovinka tam a další kilometr zpět. Při závodě masters atletů fučelo, až se palmy ohýbaly, druhý den bylo počasí výrazně lepší. Okruh byl pro diváky téměř nedosažitelný. Fanoušci mohli sledovat asi tak 400m celé trati zbytek byl nedostupný. Tam, kde nebylo zázemí závodu, tam byl plot, ochranka eventuelně na druhé straně svodidla, plot a pole. Potencionální diváci často přijeli, chvíli okouněli a raději odjeli na pláž, neb ve zpustlém areálu prostě nebylo vůbec nic.

PuppetV 7h ráno byl okruh připraven pro start prvního závodu. V závodu juniorů na 10 km startoval v českém dresu Albert Kukla. Ten se k závodu kvalifikoval již v Dudincích, následně se zvládnul zlepšit skoro o 90 sec a v Turecku toužil osobáček vylepšit. K závodu nastoupilo 51 chodců. Zvítězil Australan Beacroft v rekordu své země U20 39:56. O pouhou sekundu zpět byl Číňan Shi.

Jak obrovský je rozdíl mezi evropskou a světovou chůzi se přesvědčil evropský šampion Weigel. I přes osobní rekord sub 41 minut skončil “až” 10. Albert Kukla do 6 km bojoval ve třetí desítce o OR, pak mu však zcela vypnuly nohy a propadl se na konečné 31.místo ve svém druhém nejlepším čase 43:29. Sám chtěl sice více, ale rozhodně nezklamal. Za ideálním poděbradským výkonem sice zaostal, ale potvrdil výkonnostní růst a stabilizoval výkonnost sub 44 min. Do příštího roku, kdy přejde do dospělé kategorie, se jedná o velký příslib.

V závodě žen jsme měly hned 2 zástupkyně. Závod juniorek rozešlo celé startovní pole čítající 49 chodkyň rozvážně. Tempo 4:45 udrželo většinu závodnic pohromadě.

Děvčata do toho začala pořádně šlapat až po 4 km. Vítězkou se stala Číňanka Yang (45:06) před dvojicí Španělek. Naše Ema Klimentová si přijela pro limit do Limy. Od začátku se pohybovala ve druhé desítce, dokázala reagovat na zrychlení závodu a odměnou jí bylo nejlepší umístění českého atleta / atletky při MS a především obrovský osobní rekord 46:28 a může si začít balit do Limy. Pro závod na dráze bude třeba zapracovat na technice, Ema měla opět 2 červené karty a je třeba tento pravidelný vzkaz rozhodčích brát v potaz. Především však Ema zaslouží velkou gratulaci ke kvalitnímu výkonu, OR a splnění limitu. Bravo!!!

Kvalitní výkon předvedla i Alžběta Franklová. Ta dokončila závod 25. v novém OR 49:04. Obě děvčata jsou výbornou vizitkou trenérky Čermákové. Tým jniorek byl po hříchu jediný, který česká reprezentace dokázala postavit. V soutěži družstev skončila děvčata 6 z 15 týmů.

Při 20 km závodu žen chyběla česká vlaječka. Při startu Martínkové ve štafetě bohužel aktuálně nemáme další ženu s odpovídající výkonností. Ďurdiaková letos ještě nestartovala a jediný výkon na 20 km z loňska by ji ke startu stejně neopravňoval. Zlato si na krk pověsila vítězka poděbradského závodu, peruánská kráska Kimberly Garcia Leon (1:27:12).

BunnyPo ženách se ke startu postavili muži. Vítěze nebyl nikdo jiný, než švédský viking. Česká jednička Vít Hlaváč soustředil síly na štafetu a na startu tak byli o 6 let mladší Morávek se Zajíčkem. Oba vyrazili de facto bok po boku a první 2,5 km se pohybovali v šesté desítce s totožnými mezičasy. Zatímco Zajíček dokázal následně zrychlovat, Morávek se obrovsky trápil a tempo již na třetím kilometru uvadalo. Závod nepřepálil, 5 km těsně nad 21 min je pro něj běžné, ale tohle nebyl jeho den. Ke cti mu slouží, že závod vůbec dokázal dokončit. Na ne příliš zábavné trati to musely být dlouhé kilometry. Morávek došel zklamaný na 61.místě v čase 1:28:32 a jistě získal velmi cennou zkušenost.

Zajíček předváděl jiný závod. Už na trojce šel s mírným náskokem, který dále zvyšoval. 10 km za rovných 41 minut znamená nový osobní rekord. Zajíček pak sice zvolnil, ale výkon 1:24:10 snese nejpřísnější měřítka. V horkém dni si vedl výborně. Svým výkonem zlepšil loňský nejlepší český historický výkon kategorie U23 Morávka z Espaa (1:25:33) a zařadil se na 9. místo českých historických tabulek. Bravo! I tak, stejně jako v loňském roce, se nad jeho výkonem vznáší černý mráček. Česká výprava 7 závodníků měla k dispozici v nominaci 2 trenéry, dvojici Čermáková - Piták. Piták ve výpravě reálně neměl jediného svěřence (byl mu připsán Hlaváč) a jeho nominace byla těžko ospravedlnitelná. Stejně jako do Espaa opět nezbylo místo na Karla Ketnera, který do Espaa i Antalye poslal 2 svěřence. Skandální na celé situaci je především to, že trenér Piták vůbec neodcestoval a jeho místo na občerstvovačce zabral junior Kukla, svěřenec nenominovaného Ketnera, který evidentně není vítán. Slovy klasika v podání legendárního Václava Postráneckého “Chce se mi zvracet”. Jak dlouho ještě budeme nominovat za pofiderní zásluhy a ne na základě toho, kdo má na startu své lidi?

Štafetový závod byl nejen o světovém rekordu, ale i o prvním skutečném testu nové disciplíny a OH kvalifikaci. Závod startoval hodinu po poledni a na trati v té době bylo opravdu pekelně. Prvních 22 týmů postupovalo přímo (5 nejlepších zemí mohlo mít 2 zástupce) a další 3 štafety se do Paříže nominují časem. Ke štafetovému startu se tak postavila většina elitních chodců a chodkyň. Závod zahájili muži 12 km úsekem. Vit Hlaváč procházel desítkou na své poměry v kvalitním čase 41:36 a předával po 12 km Elišce Martínkové z 36. pozice. Martínková šla na hraně svých možností, dostala českou dvojici do první 30 a tedy na postupové pozice (mnohé štafety před ní se z OH kvalifikace škrtaly), tempo na úrovni 4:25/km však bohužel nedokázala udržet v technických mezích. Přišly 3 červené karty za kontakt a Eliška tak putovala na 3 min do penalty zóny a pořadím se česká štafeta propadla na úrovni 40. místa. Vítek se snažil, ovšem při první červené kartě i on putoval na minutu do penalty zóny a tak předával Elišce na úrovni 37. místa. Stejně jako všechny závodnice, i Eliška šla druhou desítku o něco volněji, vrátit se do závodu po 45 minutové pauze je pro všechny nesmírně náročné a již technicky jistějším krokem dokázala závod dokončit na 34.místě. V rámci OH kvalifikace jsme byli 2 místa od postupu a bohužel v tuto chvíli česká štafeta není na OH ani časem. Česká dvojice je první pod čarou. Oba závodníci bojovali ze všech sil a připsali si alespoň nový národní rekord 3:08:52.

Klimentová Franklová ČermákováCelý závod byl ukázkou vůle, rychlého závodu a současně nutnosti jít co nejlépe technicky. Počet minut prožitých v penalty zone rozhodoval v mnoha případech. Kdo bude chtít v boji o pařížské medaile uspět, bude muset zvolit jinou taktiku, než se předpokládalo. Je lepší jít o minutu volněji a technicky jistě, než jít za hranicí a přijít o vše. To byl případ druhé francouzské štafety, brazilská dvojice přišla o titul mistrů světa a skončila až pátá doslova v posledních dvou okruzích, slovenská dvojice Úradník - Czaková  z jasného postupu a famózní 12 příčky předala postup dvojici Černý - Burzalová. A dalo by se pokračovat.

Heroický výkon předvedla kanadská štafeta. Nesourodá dvojice Dunfee - Lundman spoléhala na to, že Dunfee půjde super rychle o Olivia chodící mimo úroveň potřebnou pro OH zajde své maximum. Závodnice, která se zřídka dostane pod 49 min si však obrovskou vůlí v posledních metrech olympijský sen vybojovala.

Zvítězial italská dvojice  Fortunato - Trapletti v novém světovém rekordu 2:56:45. Vítězství jim přinesl především technicky dokonalý výkon.

Celkové hodnocení MS chodeckých týmů je z českého pohledu rozporuplné. Týmy jsme až na výjimku sestavit nedokázali. Výkony jednotlivců však musíme hodnotit ve všech případech kladně, neb Morávek závod dokázal dokončit a na to by si v polovině závodu vsadil málokdo. Ostatní předvedli buď výborné či velmi dobré výkony na hraně svých možností. Nevyšla kvalifikace na OH, což je jistě zklamáním především pro atlety samotné, při pohledu do startovních listin bylo jasné, že postup bude na hraně možností našich chodců. Je na čem pracovat, ale tým je mladý (až na Vítka, ten je již zkušený závodník) a je tam potenciál. Reprezentace na úrovni jednotlivců rozhodně zaslouží pochvalu.



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On Sunday 28.4. will take place in Nové Město nad Metují, the first championship race of adult categories in walking for 10m on the track. The race will be part of the traditional Točená desítka pedestrian race, in addition to the MČR, male and female pedestrians will also fight for the first league points of this year.

The nomination criterion - ranking for the Olympic and European Games - led the athletics officials to organize a new championship race. Qualifying for big races will become more and more difficult, the limits are very strict and you need to take advantage of the chances that the ranking offers. The 10m counts towards the top 000 and championship races allow our elite athletes to earn bonus points for winning. In addition to domestic referees, the competition will also be judged by 3 referees of international level.

It is a credit to the organizers of the race, led by David Šnajdre, that they are willing to add a penalty zone to the race, which is practically not used in our country, with the exception of Poděbrady and Zittau. Hopefully they will set an example for other organizers, building a pit lane is not difficult.

We can expect the participation of the entire top Czech team, and especially in the men's race, where we have created great competition, it will be something to watch, given the foursome Hlaváč - Morávek - Zajíček and, unexpectedly, Gdula. He performed well in Poděbrady, then excelled at the MČR in Pardubice at the weekend, when he finished 7th in the half-marathon distance in a very good performance of 1:10:20!

Rostislav Kolář wrote something about the history of 10m walking in a beautiful article. Thanks for his contribution:

The championship discipline of 10 m walking in a historical perspective - author Rostislav Kolář:

This article is dedicated to the memory of, among other things, the unattainable promoter of race walking, coach, former representative, Mr. MUDr. Petr Brandejský.

IMG 20240218 214802 LargeThe pedestrian environment unequivocally welcomes the inclusion of the 10 m walking championship in the competition calendar. First of all, however, it should be noted that this is not exactly a novelty in championship disciplines. On the 000 m course, i.e. on the track, walkers fought for championship titles more than 10 years ago (sic!).

But let's take it in order, because it is a discipline with a very eventful history in the history of athletics, which brought Czechoslovakia extraordinary successes. A brief outline will show us the uniqueness of the 10 m walking race itself and will surely be an inspiration for our competitors, especially when it comes to the performances achieved at that time.

There was even a 10 m walking race Olympic discipline, already in 1912 at the Olympic Games in Stockholm, where the Czech Republic was represented by Rudolf Richter (the winner was the Canadian GH Goulding in 46:28,4). After the First World War, at the Olympic Games in Antwerp held in 1920 in the 10 m walking race (as well as in the 000 m walking race), the multiple Czechoslovakian record holder, Josef Šlehofer (the winner was U. Frigerio from Italy in a time of 3 :000). The 48 m walking race was next on the program of the Olympic Games in Paris in 06,2, where U. Frigerio from Italy won with a performance of 10:000. The 1924 m walking race returns to the Olympic Games program after II. World War I at the London Olympics, won by Mikaelsson of Sweden in an Olympic record 47:49. The last time the 10m walk was held at the Olympics was in Helsinki in 000, where Sweden's Mikaelsson defended his victory in an Olympic record time of 45:13,2. Czechoslovak Josef Doležal was fifth in the split with a time of 10:000 (he did not enter the final due to injury, but at the same time at these games he won a silver medal in the 1952 km walking race).

If it is about European Championships, the 10 m walking race was on the program in 000 in Brussels and in 1950 in Bern, where our representative, the world record holder Josef Doležal, won in a time of 1954:45, more than three-quarters of a minute ahead of A .by Yegorov from the USSR.

The biggest event in post-war Czechoslovakia itself, as far as the 10 m walking race is concerned, was the memorable match between the master of sports Václav Balšán and the Swede Werner Hardm, held on October 000, 24 in Strahov, Prague, in front of more than 10 people. spectators. On this day, the Czechoslovak competitor challenged the world record holder Hardm to a duel and after a dramatic duel he set a new world record of 1945:20, which, however, was not recognized as a world record by the International Walking Federation due to additional doubts.

It is therefore possible to state that the 10 m walking race is in the history of the Czech Republic, or of Czechoslovak athletics, written in gold letters. And now we can focus on the Championship of the Republic in this discipline itself.

IMG 20240218 215318 LargeFirst Championship of the Czechoslovak Republic on 10 m walking took place already 104 years ago, i.e. in 1920 (25 July), at the Letná stadium in Prague, which was also the venue for the championship in the following years. The winner was Josef Šlehofer from AC Praha 7 with a performance of 1890:52, second was Jan Plichta from SK Slavia Prague (57,6:53) and third was František Štětina from AC Sparta Prague (58,8:55). In 32, J. Šlehofer defended the championship title with a time of 1921:51, winning until 23 (1924:49). After a hiatus of several years, the 05,6 m walking race returns to the program of the Czech National Championships. of the Republic in 10, when the above-mentioned Václav Balšán from AC Praha 000 won in a time of 1932:1890. The following year, he defended his championship title with a performance of 49:01. Czech Championship the republic's 47 m walk continued until 32,2, when Jaroslav Štork-Žofka from AC Sparta Prague won in Strahov (including 10th in the 000 km walk at the Berlin Olympics in 1938) in a time of 4:50. The year 1936 is worth mentioning, when two Championships were held, firstly the ČAU Championship in Strahov in Prague and secondly the Championship of the Pedestrian Federation in Karlín, also in Prague. Until then, the venue of the race was Prague's Letná.

During the period of the Protectorate, pedestrians competed in a 10 m walk as part of the Czech and Moravian Championships in Prague in Strahov. Václav Balšán collected the most titles at this distance at the time in the AC Sparta Praha, SK Sparta Michle and SK Jawa jerseys (000 times, with the best performance of 5:43), Otakar Buhl from SK Slavia Prague won 57,6 time.

Czech Championship the Republic's 10 m walk subsequently took place after the liberation of the homeland in 000, the winner of which was again Václav Balšán in a time of 1945:43. He defends his title in the following year as well. In 36, the Na Mrázovce stadium in Prague became the venue for this championship instead of Strahov, and Jaroslav Oliva from Železáren Kladno became the champion in a time of 1947:47. In 26,2, the championship title in Strahov returned to the hands of Václav Balšán from Sokol Jawa Prague for a performance of 1948:47, which he defended the following year as well (22,5:44).

In 1950, Jindřich Malý from ATK wins in a time of 49,44,6. In the following year, the venue of the race is Brno, and the winner for the first time is the most successful Czech Republic, or the Czech pedestrian, the already mentioned Josef Doležal with a performance of 46:02,2. He defends the title until 1954, when the history of this master discipline (as you can see, only temporarily) closes. The following two years (1952 and 1953) were held in Strahov, and in 1954 the pedestrians took part in the Czech Championship for the last time. of the republic in the 10 m walk race in Vítkovice (the winner J. Doležal's time was 000:45, silver was taken by the legendary Václav Balšán, who was already 55,4 years old at the time).

The modern (meaning 21st century) history of this master discipline in the adult category begins to be written in the current year, and we can only wish the participants of the 10 m walking championship of the Republic, which will be held on 000 April 28 in Nové Město nad Metují, to successfully followed up on the achievements of their predecessors.

IMG 20240218 215451 Large



Petr Brandejský Cup 2024 - standings after the 1st race

Horst und PernicaBernd und PetrHorst2MASTERS degree

3km and 5km races at the WA Walking Golden Meet Underarms Walking 2024 were also the opening competitions of the XNUMXnd year of the Petr Brandejský Memorial. After last year's premier year, which was reserved only for veterans, all categories are competing this year, and the very first measurement of strength brought interesting results. The leading positions in both categories in the first race are still held by foreign competitors.

Below is the cup standings after the first race in Poděbrady. The second race of the series is already taking place 1.5.2024 - Děčín-Hřensko-Děčín DHD in a 10 km walk on the track (Proposition below in .pdf).  

Stand des Brandejský Pokalwettbewerbes nach erstem Wettkampf Poděbrady Walking, liegt unten, wie folgt vor. Zweite Bewerb der Serie findet schon am 1.5.2024 - Děčín-Hřensko-Děčín DHD 10 km Bahngehen  (Ausschreibung wie folgt in .pdf) statt.


Processing of the table / Auswerten: František Párys // Scoring system / Punktsystem: Udo Schaeffer - www.geherpokal.de  

Petr Brandejský Cup 2024 - standings after the 1st race in Poděbrady

Pore.: Name Category Club/Country Bodysuit
1 SCHRÖTER Uwe M 65 Germany 102
2 ROSENBAUM Lukas M 16 / 17 Slovakia 101
3 Simon of Bátov M 16 / 17 Slovakia 95
4 LIBERTAS LIBERTAS M 16 / 17 lithuania 94
5 SCHMIDT Matt M 16 / 17 Germany 94
6 ROHRSSEN Lasse M 16 / 17 Germany 92
7 MENCEL Thomas M Slovakia 92
8 FREEDOM Hynek M 14 / 15 Athletics Poruba zs 88
9 PLECHÁČEK Ondřej M 16 / 17 AC Turnov, coll 87
10 RÖSLER Marek M 16 / 17 AC Mladá Boleslav zs 85
11 LUNIEWSKI Mirosław M 65 poland 84
12 TSE Chun Hung M 40 Hong Kong 83
13 ŠOLC Ludek M 60 AC Mladá Boleslav zs 83
14 MALIK Ondrej M 60 Slovakia 82
15 VEJVANČICKÝ Vojtěch M 16 / 17 AC Rumburk, zs 81
16 JANOUSEK Jiří M 70 TJ Jiskra Otrokovice 81
17 HEJKRLÍK Filip M 45 Athletic Club Ústí n/L. zs 80
18 STRAWMAN Arnošt M 14 / 15 AK Slovan Duchcov 78
19 MAŁECKI Waldemar M 65 poland 77
20 SAULGRIEZIS Ilmars M 65 latvia 77
21 KROMPAŠČIK Šimon M 16 / 17 Slovakia 76
22 GIEBELER Helmut M 70 Germany 76
23 MOUSE Miroslav M 14 / 15 TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek, coll 73
24 LEHMANN Stefan M 70 Germany 73
25 HÖLTERS Bernd Ocker M 75 Germany 69
26 MAREK Stanislav M 80 TJ Spartak Třebíč, club 69
27 Ondrej VARGA M 14 / 15 Locomotive FOSFA Břeclav 67
28 HERMAN Daniel M 14 / 15 Locomotive FOSFA Břeclav 67
29 WEIS Jakub M 14 / 15 AK Slovan Duchcov 67
30 ADAM Peter M 70 SK Nové Město nad Metují 67
31 KOVANDA Jiří M 75 TJ Lokomotiva Beroun zs 67
32 RÉŽÁBEK Michal M Spartak Prague 4 66
33 KIEPERT Horst M 70 Germany 66
34 BONNESS Hartmut M 80 Germany 66
35 SECK Patrick M 55 Germany 65
36 VAN BREMEN Jacques M 40 Germany 64
37 Dankovic Daniel M 16 / 17 Slovakia 63
38 HUNGARIAN Jan M SK Nové Město nad Metují 63
39 HERMAN Zbyněk M 55 Locomotive FOSFA Břeclav 61
40 AX Čenek M 16 / 17 Orel Vyskov 59
41 Ondřej THE TURTLE M 75 AC Čáslav zs 58
42 TOLLE Uwe M 65 Germany 57
43 STRAWMAN Marek M 45 AK Slovan Duchcov 53
44 BROT Daniel M 70 Switzerland 44
45 MAŠATA Jiří M 60 Czech Republic 42
46 HARE Jan M 70 Hvězda Pardubice zs 42
47 CABBAGE Miroslav M 70 Slovakia 37
48 TARDI Emmanuel M 55 France 27
Pore.: Name: Category: Club/Country: Body:
1 LOCKSMITH Kristina W 16 / 17 Slovakia 100
2 PERNICKÁ Dominika W 14 / 15 Slovakia 98
3 VEGA GONZALEZ Irene W 16 / 17 Spain 97
4 SCHRÖTER British W 50 Germany 94
5 BITES Peter W 16 / 17 Slovakia 90
6 WEASTER Nina W 12 / 13 Slovakia 89
7 SOFKOVÁ Natália W 12 / 13 Slovakia 88
8 KOVÁRIKOVÁ Liana W 12 / 13 Slovakia 85
9 LIGHTHOUSE Noemi W 14 / 15 BK FC Kadaň, ss 82
10 ACKERMANN Lara W 16 / 17 Germany 82
11 ANXIOUS Claudine W 70 France 82
12 KARINAUSKAITE Adrijan W 16 / 17 lithuania 81
13 WEAK Lenka W 55 AC Moravská Slavia Brno, club 81
14 WALTER Zuzka W 16 / 17 Germany 79
15 VÖLKEL Laura W 16 / 17 Germany 79
16 VANKOVÁ Victoria W 14 / 15 TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek, coll 78
17 CARNIEL Maria-Lena W 16 / 17 Germany 78
18 VRANKOVÁ Ivana W 50 TJ Sokol Opava 77
19 LOPATKOVA Petra W 14 / 15 Slovakia 76
20 BANDOLA Mia W 16 / 17 Germany 76
21 KRASUL Adéla W 14 / 15 TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek, coll 75
22 RÍHOVÁ Eliška W 16 / 17 TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek, coll 75
23 CINTULA Agatha W 14 / 15 Slovakia 70
24 SUPEKOVA Sofia W 16 / 17 Slovakia 70
25 DOJČAROVÁ Aneta W 16 / 17 AK ŠKODA Pilsen 69
26 ILLING Nika W 16 / 17 Germany 67
27 Natalia GUTISOVA W 16 / 17 Slovakia 66
28 GOLLE Constanze W 40 Germany 63
29 RITKOVÁ Alexandra W 16 / 17 Slovakia 61
30 NETOLIKÁ Martina W 40 AC Slovan Liberec 61
31 KOLLÁRIKOVÁ Olivia W 12 / 13 Slovakia 60
32 JURKULÁKová Adéla W 16 / 17 AK Šternberk zs 59
33 SKUPIEŃVÁ Nela W 16 / 17 AK Šternberk zs 57
34 Acid Ema W 18 / 19 Spartak Prague 4 57
35 MĚRKOVA Bara W 14 / 15 AK Slovan Duchcov 55
36 MALIŠOVÁ Veronika W 14 / 15 TJ Slezan Frýdek-Místek, coll 54
37 KRATOCHVÍLOVA Kateřina W 12 / 13 AC Rumburk, zs 53
38 MAREDOVA Lucie W 14 / 15 Athletics South City zs 50
39 PERNICA Lenka W 45 AC Česká Lípa 49
40 ŠTEFÁČKOVÁ Nela W 16 / 17 TJ Dvur Králové n/L, zs 42

A young seven-member team and a coach, who does not have a single client in the nomination, will go to the team walking WC!!! World rarity!!!

In the novelty of the program, in which a man and a woman divide 42,2 km in four sections of approximately ten kilometers, it will be nothing less than the Olympic Games. Antalya will be crucial for qualifying for Paris, the first 22 teams will take part, the remaining three places will be filled according to table performance (the period closes at the end of June).

The biggest surprise of the nomination is the nomination of a coach who does not have a single protege in the team! Why Karel Ketner was not nominated as a coach remains to be seen. After all, we are in the Czech Republic - the land of unlimited possibilities and Kocourkov!

Nomination of the Czech team for the World Team Walking Championships 2024:

Nominations727f570f 3728 414e b5c2 a40cd27bfb0f file h9z4074

11th edition - 19 October 2024, Stadium AC PRAGUE 1890, PRAGUE 8 - LIBEŇ

ClockPHOTO on the flyer

Kimberly García and Perseus Karlström dominated the gold meeting of the Poděbrady Walking world circuit in track records. Czech titles at 20 km were defended by Vít Hlaváč and Eliška Martínková. Ema Klimentová dominated the junior top ten, Albert Kukla finished third.










Yards of EliThe spa colonnade hosted on Saturday 6.4. already the 92nd year of the famous Poděbrady walking meeting. The year was a record in many ways. In the Olympic year, the spa circuit attracted a record number of top walkers, unfortunately the weather was also record breaking. Burning Sun and the 26thº, this is definitely not normal April weather.

The race circuit was again excellently prepared from Friday by the team around Jan Rein, who is always faithfully accompanied by his wife Míla. Thank you for your dedicated work.

The race day started an hour before noon with a 3 km start. After a great fight, the Slovakian pedestrian Dominika Pernická (14:35) crossed the finish line victoriously, who managed to shake off the still newbie among pedestrians, the skilled runner and protégé of Karel Ketner Hynk Svoboda, in the last 500 m. OR from Dudincé improved by 2 seconds to 14:39. A talented walker from Duchcov Slaměník appeared at the finish line in third place, also in an improved OR - 15:43. The third student was Miroslav Myška (16:14), who finished with Noemi Maják from Kadaň. She was second in the female class and she is also improving race after race - 16:14 and will probably soon break the 16 minute mark. The third pupil was Viktorie Vaňková, and for her the Poděbrady race was a sign of the best personal performance - 16:33.

Among the young walkers, the performance of Kateřina Kratochvílová, a young competitor from AC Rumburk, who did not hesitate after her race and joined the work at the refreshment station and resolutely refilled water for adult walkers should be highlighted. Bravo. The students showed an overall solidly mastered technique and nice performances.

After them, the male and female pedestrians prepared for their race on the 5 km course. In the mixed race of U16 and Masters athletes, we saw a number of excellent performances. Slovak pedestrian Lukáš Rosenbaum was the clear winner of U16 - 21:57. Dan Mochal from Liberec reached the finish line in second place, but the great OR did not register. A justified disqualification came very quickly and Dan will have to wait for the first time under 23 minutes. It must be said that the competitor had a whole series of warnings from 5 judges and collected 3 reds in the last lap. It is a pity for him that the penalty zone was not applied in the junior race. It was prepared and it is hard to understand that it is not applied to a youth race, when this rule was introduced in the beginning precisely for the sake of youth. If Mochal had received a 30 sec penalty, he would have still made it to OR and finished fifth in the race, thereby registering a DQ. The other Czech juniors performed excellently, of which the trio Plecháček - 23:59, Rösler - 24:22 and Vejvančický - 24:57 should be singled out. All demonstrated OR. The biggest compliment goes to Vejvančický, who worked all Friday on preparing the circuit and was already in front of the Libeňský hotel at 7:30 on Saturday and willingly helped with everything that was needed. After the race, he, like Kratochvílová, went to the refreshment room and helped the Rein couple. Thank you!

EyrieThe winner of the veteran race was the competitor from Hong Kong Chun Hung Tse - 24:38. The most experienced competitors at the start were the German Bonness and the indomitable Czech veteran Standa Marek, both born in 1942!!!

The fastest teenager was Slovenka Zámečníková, among masters athletes Ivana Vranková from Opava took the silver step.

At 12:50, the women started the main 20 km race. Tereza Ďurdiaková was absent at the start, she excused herself for health reasons, and the participation of the 9th from the World Championships in Budapest to the Olympic Games in Paris is not even theoretical at the moment.

Hark weather was not a problem for the favorites, the main favorite Kimberly Gacia Leon from Peru performed a wonderful performance, who set a new meeting record - 1:27:09 at her first start in Poděbrady. In the second half of the race, she was able to overtake the Italian Olympic champion Palmissano and Glenda Morejón. The athlete from Ecuador showed great fighting spirit, losing 18 seconds to the Italian at 3 km, but then she started and went for the silver in 1:27:21. This time, the Italian hung the bronze medal around her neck in 1:27:27. No less than 9 female competitors performed under 1:30:00 and another 2 were very close to breaking this mark. Immediately 16 female competitors withdrew from the race, the conditions were not the easiest.

Everyone had high expectations from the start of Eliška Martínková. Our number one didn't have her day and from the first kilometers she went just under 4:40/km behind expectations. She gradually slowed down considerably,

she crossed the finish line very disappointed in a below-average performance of 1:40:25. The effort to finish the race can be appreciated, many female competitors preferred to wrap up the race when things did not go well. The fact that Eliščina's name shines for some time, even if it is very weak for her level, serves to Eliška's credit on her home track. If the saying "once you're down, once you're up" applies, then let's hope that in 14 days in Antalya, Eliška will have a better day and will successfully fight to participate in the relay race in Paris.

Štěpánka Pohlová Kučerová received the national team jersey. Unfortunately, this gesture should have come earlier, at a time when Štěpánka was at her peak performance. Štěpánka, just like Eliška, definitely didn't have her day, but she too fought as hard as she could and bravely finished the race in 1:55:26. The Pilsen couple Bakliková - Bugárová took advantage of her bad day. Both girls walked side by side with Štěpánka for 12 km and then started to move away from Štěpánka. Bakliková overtook Bugárová in the last kilometer and won the championship silver medal in the MČR - 1:52:55. Bronze Bugárová, like her colleague, managed not only to win a medal, but also a great OR - 1:53:00. Lenka Borovičková, a veteran competitor and medalist from the recent ME Masters in Toruń, crossed the finish line in 63rd place - 2:07:56.

Although the women's race was a disappointment for the Czech colors, great things happened in the men's race.

We all know that Persy Karlström won another victory. The new track record of 1:18:22 seemed extremely easy in his delivery and, as his mum said, it was a test to see how he was doing after the winter. The best is yet to come. In his first participation, the Olympic medalist in his fifties, Canadian Evan Dunfee, who did not hide his enthusiasm for the beauty of the Poděbrady circuit and the great organization, ran out for silver. Brazil's Caio Bonfim won bronze. Even the fourth Frenchman Bordier broke the elite barrier of 1:20:00.

Pepa Photo by Honza NekulCzech fans expected a lot. For men, it was a fight for nomination to Antalya. The best from Poděbrady will get the right to fight for Olympic participation in the relay with Eliška Martínková. The championship title was also at stake, as well as a move up the rankings for the EC in Rome. Vít Hlaváč recorded a time of 1:25:50 this year, which was the OR for 20 km after years, and we were waiting to see what the young Moravians and Zajíček would show. They wanted a time around 1:24:30, which was not here for a long time, Vítek aimed for a sub 1:24:00. From the first kilometers of the race, Vítek fired up and showed how much the growing domestic competition is a huge motivation for him. Let's add the OH and it was set for an excellent performance. In the middle of the track, he had a lead of almost a minute on the duo Morávek - Zajíček, moreover in OR 41:17,1! Vítek fought and, at the age of 27, improved his OR from this year by more than 2 minutes at a great 1:23:38, despite the extremely difficult last kilometer. Such performance has not been here for over 20 years!!! Vítek rightly won the title and the opportunity to start with Eliška in the relay in Antalya. It must be said that Vítek is the best choice among our men. He is technically very confident, which can be very important in a tight fight, in addition, he is a natural long-distance skier, he has experience from a 35 km course, so he will probably be able to handle two sections of approx. 12 + 10 km better than both young men. His speed improvement is then a promise for 2025, when he returns to the WC 35 km.

Even the only 21-year-old pedestrians Moravek and Zajíček do not have to be sad. Even though they expected more and the hot day didn't suit them, they both gave an excellent performance. They went side by side for a long time, but after 13 km Zajíček started to lose and Moravek was significantly behind him. Zaječek was going through a crisis, facing stomach problems, but he fought and in the end tried to catch up with Morávek. However, Moravek defended the silver medal in his second lifetime time of 1:25:47, when he was only 23 seconds behind his best Czech U14 performance. Once again he confirmed the limit for Antalya, when the race suits him, there will be something to look forward to.

The third Zajíček, in addition to winning the bronze, could be happy about the limit for Antalya and especially the first time under 1:26:00. He broke this by 6 seconds and considering how bad he was during the race, the 1:24:00 time can be taken very seriously. If both competitors could do it already in Antalya, it would be fantastic. Our excellent trio finished fourth in MU and were only one place away from bronze! The men's team, which will be supplemented by junior Kukla for next year, is a great promise for next year's EC walking team, which will again be hosted by Podebrady.

The good news for Morávek, who was rightfully DQ in Dudince, is that, like Vítek, he received only one yellow card from the referees. It can be seen that he works a lot on the technique. Adam Zajíček then went technically perfectly, which was definitely not the case with him in the past. Well done, gentlemen.

In fourth place within the MČR, Lukáš Gdula could be satisfied with his performance. The performance of 1:28:24 is his best in 4 years. Rosťa Kolář finished fifth, Jaromír Hloch completed his first top 1 race outside the MČR and finished in 43:13:XNUMX. Malys did not finish the race, Pšenička resigned after three proposals. If he can master the technique, and I can personally say that although it is still not optimal, for me it was much better than in Dudince, he will certainly be an interesting domestic competitor. Physically he is well prepared. Although he also visited PZ in Dudince, he finished it. It was not worth it to continue on Saturday's demanding day after he was sent to PZ. Hopefully he won't be discouraged, referee Nedvídek will be happy to give him advice if he turns to him at a different moment than when the race is being decided.

ResinNot even Josef Smola, a lover of walking and a great supporter of our discipline, finished the race. Despite hard training, at his age the limit of 16 km is very demanding and, unfortunately, unrealistic in the given climatic conditions at the age of 60. It ranks 1st for combativeness*.

Subsequently, the junior girls started their race. From the beginning, Ema Klimentová was at the head of the race, with the Spaniard Ventura setting the pace. Ema started after seven kilometers and overtook the Spaniard. She achieved a great OR of 47:37 and already in Antayla she will have the opportunity to strive for further improvement and the limit for the WC in Lima (47:00). Behind her in another group was Alžběta Franklová. She was only 2 seconds behind OR from Slovakia and finished seventh with a performance of 49:20. The sum of the placements secured the victory for the girls within MU! Congratulations. Lucie Krinwaldová from Mladá Boleslav also wore the national team jersey with them. She set off sharply in the first kilometers, but her overmotivation did not pay off and the second half of the race was considerably slower. She didn't have much to lose and gave it a try. She probably won't be satisfied with the performance, but it's certainly a lesson for next time.

Even among the juniors, our fighters did well. Albert Kukla was an aspirant for the TOP 5 and even exceeded expectations. From the beginning he bravely went with the best, he fought and even though he was not enough in the end, he managed to achieve a quality personal record of 42:44 and, above all, a great third place! The winner was the Frenchman Chenuet (42:15) and the second place was taken by the German Richardt (42:21). Albert already had a certain participation in Antalya, the next target will be the effort to participate in Lima. However, the 42:00 limit is really challenging. Vojta Novák also presented himself excellently, who is in his first year among the juniors and his performance de facto copies last year's results of Kukla. He also showed personal improvement, finishing in 46th place with a time of 26:11, and their excellent performance brought our juniors silver medals among teams within MU. The French team won, the Spanish pedestrians took the bronze. Peroutka from Dukla was third in the party within the team. He gave his top ten convincingly in 54:24 and confirmed further improvement. Another junior, Gloser, also finished the race, and he too was in the top ten under 60 min - 58:32. This is gratifying, let's be aware that last year the Junior MCR was canceled because only Kukla signed up. 4 potential racers is definitely an improvement.

Fan clubThe wonderful race in Poděbrady is behind us. It brought great performances by most of the Czech representatives and domestic success between the teams. However, the success of the juniors is also a warning. Both pedestrians will move to the women's category next year and there is a big performance gap behind them. The national team coach has a difficult task to work with the other girls, we have another team championship on home soil and she watches the competitions better when we have our team there. Peroutek will be able to complement Novák if he continues to work on himself and, for example, takes advantage of Karel Ketner's offer of help.

The Poděbrady race also determined the final form of the rep team for the Turkish WC in 2 weeks.

Vít Hlaváč and Eliška Martínková will represent us in the relay, Jaromír Morávek and Adam Zajíček will represent us in the men's 20 km course. Albert Kukla, Ema Klimentová and Alžběta Franklová will start in the junior category. We wish everyone a flurry of personal performances, fulfilled limits for season peaks at various levels and, above all, an Olympic nomination for our relay team.